速報APP / 工具 / Arduino Delta Robot Controller

Arduino Delta Robot Controller





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本


Arduino Delta Robot Controller(圖1)-速報App

With this app, the user is able to control a Delta Robot or a similar 3D robot using the touch screen of a tablet. As the user moves their finger on the touch screen, the app sends the respective coordinates to the robot via Bluetooth. Thus the robot may reproduce the touch gestures the user makes on the screen. Moreover the user can control its vacuum pump or electromagnet, in order to grab and move objects.

This app is suitable for applications where the touch gestures should be transformed in coordinates and sent to a remote device via Bluetooth.

This app is recommeded to be installed to a device with a minimum of a 10-inch touch screen. It is suitable mainly for Tablets.

This app contains advertisments. For an advertisment free version, a paid vesion will be released soon.

Arduino Delta Robot Controller(圖2)-速報App

How it works:

The app sends the message @xxxx,yyyy,zzzz,m$ as a sequence of ASCII characters where xxxx are the digits of the x coordinate, yyyy of the y and zzzz of the z. The m is either 0 or 1 and represents the off or on state respectively of the magnet/pump. The '@' (ASCII 64) and '$' (ASCII 36) denote the begining and the end of each message to help the receiving device recognize what each number represents.

For sychronization with the receiving device, this app can be configured via the menu to wait for a response from the remote device before sending the next message. The response is the character '@' (ASCII 64). So if this feature is on, when a '@' is receved, the app sends the message. This message contains the most recent coordinates and magnet status. If it is off, then it sends data without waiting for a response from the remote device.

Example: If the user touches a point with coordinates (x,y,z)=(12,23,-43) and turns on the magnet, then the message will be @12,23,-43,1$. The numbers are integers ranging from -500 to 500 for x,y,z. In order to be sent via Bluetooth, they are tranformed to a series of bytes representing the ASCII codes of the respective digits, not the integers as integer. For example in order to send the number 34, what is acctually sent is the ASCII code for the digit '3' followed by the the ASCII code of the digit '4', namely the first byte would be the number 51 (ASCII code for '3') and the second one the number 52 (ASCII code for '4'). That's why for an Arduino based implementation, the Serial.parseInt() function should be used for reading the numbers sent by this app to the Arduino.

Arduino Delta Robot Controller(圖3)-速報App

This application has been tested to cooperate very good with Arduino boards and the Arduino Bluetooth Adapters HC-05 and HC-06. If the HC-05 is used, then it must be configured as a slave (command: AT+ROLE=0 followed by Carriage Return and Line Feed).

Moreover, there are buttons on the screen in order to increase or decrease the coordinates at predefined steps, namely one or ten steps each time the respective button is pressed. Each step can be configured to be one or ten using the respective buttons which define this number.